Confidence, delusion, faith and your progress

This post was inspired after listening Tai Lopez talk about how most people are delusional or over-confident, what he calls the American-Idol syndome. The problem of course is that when people are over-confident they don’t listen, don’t learn. He names Michael Jordans coach Dean Smith who said that he never met somebody more teachable than … Read more

Lessons from Dreaming of Stanford

I bought this book at a moment where I had to make a decision between going to a summer course I had won a 50% scholarship for, or not going and being able to do a lot of different things in the next year which were also very important for me. In other words, I … Read more

How to reduce latency for gaming

When having problems with latency the first advice is to check the distance of the server and issues with your Internet Service Provider. But there is something that might cause you problems if you have a slow Internet connection, bandwidth (BW) usage. To illustrate how BW usage can cause a rise in latency lets take … Read more