Patience is the new cool

If you are in a situation where you feel stuck and bad because it seems like you can’t get where you want to be while other people seem to easily make it, highly recommend you go watch this interview with Gary V. and a 22 yo girl called How One Video Can Change Your Life. … Read more

Learn from the best but be yourself

I’m a big fan of Gary V., particularly his message. But don’t like how some people try to copy him and other succesful peole 1:1. You might get better at some things copying people, but it isn’t really the best thing you can do. The best asset you have is being yourself. I learned this … Read more

Prepárate como si fuera que lo vas a lograr

Un tiempo atrás hablé con un amigo sobre el destino y dije que no importa si crees en el destino o no, cuando te preparas podrás aprovechar a las oportunidades que vendrán. Hoy leí un artículo en donde se habla de eso y pensé escribir algo porque me parece tan importante. El problema es que … Read more

Learned Optimism

For years a little voice told me that I should read about Positive Psicology. I never even came across it really, but it is one of those examples of really good intuition I guess. Fast forward some years, I read the first book of the father of positive psicology Martin Seligman. Learned Optimism had a … Read more


Me encantan las recetas simples. Hace un mes empecé a experimentar con panes. Primero hice Naan, un pan de origen Iraní que se cocina en un sartén. Salio bien, un poco húmedo al principio pero luego ya me salía bien. El único problema es que requiere de más trabajo manual ya que debes dar la … Read more

2019 goals – INVESTMENT

2018 was the second year of daily meditation practice. It was the year I was able to get out of the dark hole, and things started to get finally a little easier. It was a year where I accomplished great things professionally at my job, but had to sacrifice a lot of free time in … Read more