Soja power

Todo empezó cuando por casualidad tomé mi smootie de proteína de soja, antes de ir a entrenar en el gimnasio. Normalmente lo tomaba después, pero por alguna razón ese día lo tomé antes. Noté una gran demora en el cansansio ese día. Decidí investigar sobre el tema.

Rewire your brain through games

What follows is an excerpt from the book Superbetter. Rewire your brain so it’s easier to motivate yourself, persevere, and succeed. In video games, we play as heroes. We become conquering space cowboys, warrior princesses, daredevil racecar drivers, or the last survivors of a zombie apocalypse. Even in nondigital games, we strive to be the … Read more

Get your intent right

…intent is the only thing that matters the reason I’m not scared of anything is I know where my intent is GaryVee Why is this so powerful? That’s what I asked me when I first head Gary talk about intent. Then I realised, our actions are flawed, we make mistakes, lots of them. So if … Read more

The ability to take action = Confidence

Mel Robbins’ perspective on confidence rings so true with me. In her interview on Impact Theory, she explains that confidence isn’t a personality trait as many people think. I used to think that confident people were outgoing, extroverted, in other words, it is their personality. But Mel’s explanation makes much more sense. But then why … Read more

The Power of Games

A while ago I made a post about Janes McGonical’s TED talk, watch it if you haven’t. This is an excerpt of her book Superbetter. I highly recommend this book. Introduction You are stronger than you know. You are surrounded by potential allies. You are the hero of your own story. These three qualities are … Read more

Rather being born with nothing

At that point of the video I paused the video, stand up walking and smiling, that’s how strong it clicked with me. Difficulties, challenges, even tragedies can lead to great growth. That’s why GaryVee sees being born with nothing as an advantage. Psychologists call it post-traumatic growth. So maybe instead of wishing we were born … Read more

Sopa de lentejas

Esta sopa es facil de preparar y increiblemente deliciosa/nutritiva. Especial para el invierno, y para los que practican deportes como yo y por lo tanto se benefician de una buena cantidad de proteínas. Ingredientes: Un pack de lentejas 1 calabaza chica 2 dientes de ajo o más según gusto 2 zanahorias Condimentos: Curry o cúrcuma … Read more

Assertivity in Public Speaking

What follows is a assertiveness training session taken from the book When I say no, I feel guilty. Dialogue #22Ron handles digressive, irrelevant,pertinent, and criticalcomments during thepresentation of areport. Ron is a young graduate student in business administration taking a course in economics. He has great difficulty in getting up in front of a group … Read more

Empathetic Imagination — Excerpt from The Self-made Billionaire Effect

I’m fascinated by a book which explains what Self-made Billionaires have in common. One of the key factors of self-made billionaires is their ability to be empathic enough to understand the needs of other people, and imaginative enough to find and evaluate solutions to those problems. The Self-made Billionaire Effect explains. Inspiration exists, but it … Read more

In learning, embrace difficulties

There are two great books about the science of learning, A Mind for Numbers which I made a summary of and Make it Stick. The following paragraphs are from the latter. Embrace Difficulties WHEN MIA BLUNDETTO, age twenty-three, first lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, was billeted to logistics in Okinawa, she had to get her ticket … Read more