When I say no

When I say no, I feel guilty — Summary

I can't remember exactly how I found this book but this is one of the most underrated psychology/self-development books In my opinion. This is a pragmatic book, it spends very little time on theory. Most of the content are examples ...
Black Priviledge

Black Privilege — Summary

Black Privilege is an amusing biography to read. I won't go into detail about the many anecdotes, you have to read them in context to really enjoy them. But I'll share some of the little lessons I got out of ...

What It Takes — Summary

My high expectations for this book turned out to be accurate. What it takes is a must read if you are interested in the reasoning process one of the biggest investors uses to make good decisions. The Blackstone Way After ...

The Self-made Billionaire Effect — Summary

This book is so good I read it twice, and probably will read it again within a year. There is just so much insight and it rings to true to me. This book is about finding what self-made Billionaires have ...

Trillion Dollar Coach — Summary

This book entered my reading list while listening to the Tim Ferriss show 367. Bill Campbell, the coach this book writes about, immediately caught my interest. Here is Eric from the podcast: So Jonathan, Alan, and I have written a ...

When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead — Summary

This book went into my reading list while reading The Third Door. In that book, the author's first mentor asked him to read the first chapter of When I Stop Talking, You'll Know I'm Dead. This book is filled with ...

Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built — Summary

Jack Ma is the co-founder of Alibaba, one of the world's biggest online Business to Business sites as well as other highly successful Chinese ventures like Alipay, Aliexpress, Tmall and Taobao. Having read Made in America, The Everything Store and ...

Remote : Office Not Required — Summary

I became a fan of David Heinemeier since I watched the legendary talk Snakes and Rubies (2005) where he debates web frameworks with the creator of the Django Framework. That's old tech now, but it's a highly recommended talk for ...

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson — Summary

It's been two years since I read Becoming Steve Jobs. That's about the time I wanted to get to the official biography written by Walter Isaacson. Happily, I did, here are some gold nuggets from this great piece of work ...
Hard Drive

Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire — Summary

This book is amazing. My intuition bugged me a long time about reading a biography from Bill. I just didn't knew which one. It's not like there is one official Biography about him. Googling then I stumbled on a list ...

Business at the Speed of Thought — Summary

I have been wanting to read biographies about Bill Gates for a while. Searching for them brought me to this book which he wrote himself. An opportunity I wouldn't let escape. Sure, a lot of what Bill talks about in ...

Lessons from SuperBetter

I came across this book after watching Jane's TED talk. I absolutely love the talk and what I learned about the benefits of games. Self development can be such a dry and unpleasant thing if you're not in the right ...