Small Giants — Summary

Learn how you can become a giant with a small company In small companies, relationships are better Traditionally, most companies focused on growth. But there is another kind of company, those who deliberately chose not to grow. Those are called the small giants ...

The long tail — Summary

Learn how to increase profit by offering more content through the Internet The long tail can compete with bestsellers The long tail is the part of the less popular items in the popularity curve. Traditionally stores had to focus on ...

Purple cow — Summary

Learn how make your products stand outThe high amount of advertising makes it less effectiveThere was a time where just a few companies advertised. Ads were such a rare thing that they were very effective. People’s attention was captured by the ...

Permission Marketing — Summary

Learn how to market more effectively by taking into account customer’s self-interestInterruptive marketing has lost its effectivenessInterruptive marketing is the classic, intrusional method of marketing where people are interrupted with ads, whether on television, on the radio, printed ads, among ...

The lessons of history — Summary

This book shows how civilizations evolve and how they shape usHistory is a great teacher. The accumulated knowledge about what happened to humanity thus far not only enriches our understanding of the past, it also allows us to understand the present ...

Salt Sugar Fat — Summary

Learn how the food industry hooks us with salt sugar and fat. Often resulting in fatal diseasesEver since the food industry began specializing for the taste bud of people to compete for the “stomach share” of the people, the industry started ...

Structures: Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down — Summary

Learn what holds structures together and gain interesting insight in material engineering What are structures? A structure is a collection of materials intended to sustain loads. Structures occur in nature as well as in the man-made world. Biological structures are ...

Invisible Influence — Summary

Become aware of how other people influence you without you even noticing it Your decisions are influenced from the outside, while you are unaware of it We tend to be influenced by other people and our surroundings, at least whenever we are ...

Never eat alone — Summary

Learn how to network from the modern day “How to win friends and influence people.” The book Getting a Job outlines a classic study where 282 men are asked how they found their jobs. 56% had found their jobs ...

The Big Fat surprise — Summary

Learn the difference between “good” and “bad” cholesterol and what impact fat has on our health The story of nutritional science is not a sober-minded, research-based one. Instead, it falls under the “Great Man” theory of history. Strong personalities — ...

The ONE thing — Summary

This book explains with amazing clarity the process of accomplishing big goals Thought precedes actions. And extraordinary thought precedes extraordinary actions. Prioritize the important things Apply the 80/20 principle to your to-do lists. The Pareto principle or 80/20 principle applies ...

The magic of thinking big — Summary

This book will teach you how to adopt a Success MindsetBelieve in yourselfThe start to success happens in a change of your mindset. You have to let limiting beliefs go and start thinking BIG. Belief is very important, feel 100% capable of ...