Patience is the new cool

If you are in a situation where you feel stuck and bad because it seems like you can’t get where you want to be while other people seem to easily make it, highly recommend you go watch this interview with Gary V. and a 22 yo girl called How One Video Can Change Your Life. It is one of the iconic talks that woke up many young people.

I was there and for sure to a degree still am, where that girl was. Wondering why I couldn’t get where I wanted, succeed in what I most wanted, and be happy. Reading hundreds of books helped but to date, nobody explained it better than Gary for me. The secret to happiness is accountability and falling in love with the process. It is funny that years ago before I learned this from Gary I came to a similar conclusion. After I failed to achieve several at the time big goals, I decided to go home and double down on the basics. Meditate and just dedicate time to the basics until things started rolling in a positive way or until I could begin seeing through.

Fast forward several years of consistent meditation, reading and work, things really started rolling for me. I’m still far from where I want to go but I gained much, much more confidence in myself. I gained more confidence because I finally learned how to be more consistent, stop bullshitting myself so much and how to cultivate patience while loving the process. In short, how to gain perspective by realizing that the best thing to do ist to become practical. Once you get to that point things become really fun, just listen to Gary!