Using the path of least resistance to build new habits — Excerpt from The Happiness Advantage

In the following paragraphs, Shawn Achor explains how he managed to form a new daily habit by planning ahead and making it easier for him to play his guitar every day. THE 20-SECOND RULE How to Turn Bad Habits into Good Ones by Minimizing Barriers to ChangeD uring one of the first trainings I ever … Read more

The compound effect — Summary

This book will teach you how to build up momentum for success gradually. Initially, change is hard because of our past negative habits, but once we built up momentum at the desired direction, our results will start to compound. Steady improvement Most people want immediate results and if they can’t get them the become discouraged … Read more

Rewire — Summary

Rewire gives readers a road–map to overcoming the most common self-destructive habits Did you ever feel irritated after doing something unwanted unconsciously? It can be something harmless like a spelling error or something far worse like saying something you shouldn’t have said or smoking that one cigarette for old time’s sake. In this book, we will … Read more

The power of Habit — Summary

This book takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. Habits are “auto-pilot” routines that save effort (energy) Do you ever have to consciously think how to ride a bike or brush your teeth? No? That’s because you built a habit out of those activities. … Read more