The Power of Games

A while ago I made a post about Janes McGonical’s TED talk, watch it if you haven’t. This is an excerpt of her book Superbetter. I highly recommend this book. Introduction You are stronger than you know. You are surrounded by potential allies. You are the hero of your own story. These three qualities are … Read more

The Accountability Mirror

I want to introduce a very powerful self-improvement concept with the following chapters from the book Can’t Hurt Me, from David Goggins. In fact, this might be the most powerful/no bullshit concept ever. I showed up on her doorstep later that day with my stomach growling. I didn’t ask for forgiveness and she didn’t demand … Read more

Cheerful Pessimism

Even though optimistic people live more successful lives, pessimism has its place in the short term. Pessimism can support the realism we so often need. Confused? Think about a pilot, for instance, you’d rather have him an upbeat outlook at security or a mercilessly realistic one? Let’s call it practical pessimism because it serves us … Read more

A beautiful example of how mindfulness can change the mind — Book excerpt from Mindsight

I’m currently reading three books in parallel, Mindsight, Buddha’s brain and The Buddha walks into a bar. All three books show how we can rewire our brain with practice although, from slightly different angles. That’s what makes it so interesting to read them at the same time. Yesterday I read a few chapters of Mindsight in … Read more

Using the path of least resistance to build new habits — Excerpt from The Happiness Advantage

In the following paragraphs, Shawn Achor explains how he managed to form a new daily habit by planning ahead and making it easier for him to play his guitar every day. THE 20-SECOND RULE How to Turn Bad Habits into Good Ones by Minimizing Barriers to ChangeD uring one of the first trainings I ever … Read more

Lessons from The Happiness Advantage

I recently stumbled on Shawn Achor’s Ted Talk about Happiness. I immediately liked what he presented when he talked about the Cult of the average in psychology. What the cult of the average does is, in simple terms, ignore the outliers in our data. Actually in psychology for many years attention was paid to the … Read more

Pitch anything — Summary

This book will show you how to persuade and achieve a dominant position Karl’s commentary: The author of this book has an interesting approach to effective communication and persuation with a mix of neuroscience, psychology and economics. The idea is to fill the gap between what you are trying to communicate to your audience and … Read more

Feel the fear and do it anyway — Synthesis

Learn how to overcome fear and live your life in power and love This classic self-help book will teach you how to overcome fear. You’ll learn how commitment and action are essential to overcoming all fear and empower yourself. Finally, you’ll learn how no decision you made or will make can ever be “wrong.” But … Read more

10% Happier — key concepts

Learn how to become happier and more successful through meditation After suffering a panic attack, Dan Harris began a journey to search for a solution. His search eventually led him to meditation. In this book, the author tells how meditation helped him calm down his inner narrator which was the originator of his crisis, and how … Read more

Positivity — Summary

Learn how positive emotions lead to more success and a more fulfilled life Many books are written about the power of positivity, but many people don’t know that it is backed up by science. Positive emotions make us smarter and more successful and we can become happier just by being more grateful. Psychologists have shown that … Read more

Predictably Irrational — Summary

Learn how to think effectively from one of the best books on the topic Relative value Our mind always tries to compare one thing with another one to try to estimate its value, attractiveness or whatever it tries to identify. This is the relativeness of everything. What’s more, often our brain picks the laziest option possible, something … Read more

A whole new mind — Summary

Learn why big picture-holistic thinking is, and will become even more important in the future. People have assumed from ancient times about a division in our brain. Namely, a left and a right hemisphere. Modern science has supported a neurological divide although we know that in every activity we engage in both hemispheres cooperate. While there … Read more

The art of thinking clearly — Summary

Learn how irrational our behavior is, and use that knowledge to make better decisions. Let’s start to analyze our thinking and search for flaws in our reasoning. Overestimation Studies have shown that we tend to overestimate our abilities. The result is obvious, thinking that we are already at our destiny, we fail to put in … Read more