The desire map — Summary

Learn to embrace your desires to accomplish your highest goals and achieve fulfillment Desires not only are crucial for the survival of the human race, but positive desires also make our life more fun and fulfilling. Desires are the ...

The 22 immutable laws of marketing — Summary

This book packs so much useful information about marketing, if you read one book about marketing let it be this one. Marketing is about perception not about superiority. If you want to sell your product you have to tweak ...

The lean startup — Summary

Learn how to form a successful new business Startups differ from established companies in that they don't know exactly how to do things. They need to be flexible and make quick adjustments. Traditional management sets goals and oversees the execution ...

How we learn — Summary

Learn to learn, this book will teach you how to become a better learner We all have to learn in life, whether we go to school or not, every day is a new opportunity to learn. Why should we learn? Because ...

Made to stick — Summary

This is one of the books everyone should read. Knowing how to create ideas which stick to people's minds is fascinating and useful Ideas can be presented so that people tend to forget them, or so that people tend ...

Predictably Irrational — Summary

Learn how to think effectively from one of the best books on the topic Relative value Our mind always tries to compare one thing with another one to try to estimate its value, attractiveness or whatever it tries to ...

Mindware — Summary

Learn to reason more rationally Have you ever wondered why people make stupid mistakes? You might have observed how even a very smart person does an obvious mistake. This book will help you to upgrade your reasoning skills. Correlation is ...

Nudge — Summary

This book will teach you how to use incentives to make the right decisions Isn't it interesting that despite knowing which things are good for us and which are bad, we keep doing them, sometimes on a daily basis? For ...

How Google works — Summary

This book will teach you why Google hires smart-creatives, and why the company still manages to maintain a startup feeling. Ever since Google was born in 1998, the company has become one of the most valuable and successful companies ...

A whole new mind — Summary

Learn why big picture-holistic thinking is, and will become even more important in the future. People have assumed from ancient times about a division in our brain. Namely, a left and a right hemisphere. Modern science has supported a neurological ...

Switch — Summary

This book will show you how to stop thinking and start doing Why is change so hard for most people? That's the question this book will answer. The battle most people go through every day can be compared to riding an ...

Flow — Summary

This book will explain to you how to attain a perfect satisfying work experience or help you improve other activities and your overall happiness. This book is a good follow-up from the book DRIVE. If you missed that summary, you might ...